Write random and link up.
{The Best of Me}
This book is amazing...not surprising considering I love ALL of his books.
Coral got some festive accessories this weekend.
She is so stinkin' cute with her Halloween bandana thingy on her!
{Bama football}
Bama killed Tennessee this weekend.
We had a little get together at my friend's house.
Me and Colin sporting our crimson.
Me, Coral, and Mandy.
{Pumpkin Patch}
We went to the pumpkin patch yesterday.
It was a gorgeous day and we enjoyed spending time with friends.
{Pumpkin Carving Party}
Last night, we had a little get together to carve pumpkins and bake pumpkin seeds.
2 of my absolute favorite things about fall.
I was so proud of my owl. I did it free handed and only messed up once.
I love owls.
Our pumpkin seeds....delicious!
Mine and Kim's final products.
Happy Monday lovies!!
Did you get your computer fixed?
Yay! Now we can finally iMessage!! Looks like you had a good weekend. I am so impressed with your pumpkin carving skills. I can't remember the last time I carved a pumpkin...
I LOVE your pumpkin!!! And the pictures of you and Colin are precious!!
I love the owl pumpkin! So crafty!
I just bought 'the best of me' and I'm going to start reading it tonight!
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