Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Top 2 Tuesday

Today was busy, but lots of fun.

I woke up and got a phone call from my best friend. She informed me that her sister-in-law was having her baby today and asked if I wanted to "road trip" it with her to meet him. I didn't really have anything planned until work at 4 so I decided to ride with her to Huntsville. We had fun catching up and chatting during our almost 2 hour drive from Birmingham. I won't mention that we kind of circled around Birmingham for 20 minutes trying to find I-65 South. (Whole other story). She picked me up around 10:30 and were on our way. Unfortunately, he made a rather quick entrance into the world and we missed his birth, but got to see him nonetheless. He weighed 8 lbs. 14 oz. and was 20 inches long....

Introducing Cooper Montgomery

We visited for a little while and then headed back for Birmingham.

We stopped here for some amazing vegetables...mmm!!

I forgot to mention that I now have a sore throat because I read Breaking Dawn half of the way there and the entire way back home! We both really got into Twilight last summer when we were on a beach trip together and she never got around to reading the fourth book (Breaking Dawn). I just so happened to have it on my new kindle so we decided to pick up where she left off. Fun times!

We made it back to Birmingham just in time for me to babysit this little one...

I just love her...she took lots of steps today. I am pretty sure she will be walking soon.

I recently came upon a new blog The Undomestic Momma and decided to participate in her Top Two Tuesday.

Today's theme is two things I want to do before I die.

1. I want to travel!!!!
I plan on traveling here this summer to visit my bff who is getting ready to move there now from Indiana. I can't wait.
Some other places I want to travel:
New York

2. I want to adopt one day.

Happy Tuesday!!



Jamie said...

What cute babies :) Cracker Barrel is so yummy!

StephanieG said...

thanks for the comment! Greece and Australia are on my list of places to go as well. :)

Kelsey @ Seattle Smith's said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!! Cute layout!

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