Friday, January 08, 2010

New Years Resolutions/Goals

Show us how you live 2010
Show Us Your Life with Kelly's Korner

1. Devotion Time - I bought a women's devotional that I started and want to continue throughout the rest of the year...I love it so far!! There is one verse/devotion for each day of the year.

2. Church - I want to find a more permanent church family...2 of my favorite churches are here in the Birmingham area and now that I am back here for good, I want to attend more and decide which one I would like to join.

3. Be healthier - Not only do I have to get in shape for Heather's wedding (less than 6 weeks away); I need to be healthier all around. I plan on trying to eat better and working out more. I am an awful runner, but I really wanna try to run. It's a great way to stay in shape and I think that it can be enjoyable once I get through the first few weeks.

4. Patience - I feel that I have a great deal of patience when it comes to certain aspects of my life (such as teaching and dealing with children), but I am SO impatient in other aspects (traffic/driving in general and with my boyfriend). I really want to work on this because I feel that there is no reason to stress about things that aren't important!

5. Money - I am a big spender!! I am not going to be working this semester since I am doing my student teaching and I need to make what money I do have last until I graduate. This is going to be tough, but it is possible! I plan on figuring out some sort of budget so hopefully I will get better with my money.

2010 here I come!



emily said...

thanks for the comment on my 2010 resolution post as well. i have popped my knuckles since the first grade (1992!). every time i do it i think of my friend's much older brother that taught us how to do it and i just hate that it has stuck with me. i also go to the chiropractor once a month so i don't pop my back. so far so good on that, popping my knuckles is definitely the hardest habit to stop. you just have to do it. i'm one week in and i still want to do it ALL the time! :)

best of luck on your goals.

Whitney said...

Great goals! Good luck student teaching!

Leah said...

Thanks so much for visiting my blog!

You have great goals for the new year! I know you can accomplish every one of them!

Have a wonderful day!

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