Tuesday, April 05, 2011

A Day without Shoes

Today, I will blog barefoot. I will not wear shoes to the gym, or to pick up the boys from school, or on any other errand I might run. I will try to imagine not having even a single pair of shoes. I will try to imagine walking on gravel times a thousand, and I still won't feel the pain that individuals all around the world experience every day. It's hard to imagine shoes as a luxury, but so many people do without.

As I was getting in my car this morning, my mind was going ninety to nothing.
- What if I get pulled over? It's illegal to drive without shoes.
-What if the club won't let me in to workout without shoes?
-What if Zumba requires shoes?
-What if it rains?
-What if I get sick because it is cold out today?

I feel guilty for even having these thoughts. These adults, and even kids, work harder then I could ever imagine and many have never even owned a pair of shoes.

Please join in to raise awareness about individuals who have no shoes. Visit this website for more information.


Blogging Barefoot2


♥ cheryl elisabeth said...

What a great cause! I am staying home all day, so I'm already not wearing shoes, but I admire your ability to go out in public and fight for a cause!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Stephanie for linking up! I had those same thoughts when I was leaving this morning & it was so cold! I felt so guilty for complaining, even if it wasn't out loud.

Brooke said...

i definitely had those same concerns - i don't even wanna think about a public restroom w/o shoes!

Unknown said...

This is awesome! I am going barefoot today too! It was a little awkward because I had a big staff meeting...but at least everyone learned about why I'm doing it!

Oh, and it is rainy and cold today. My feet don't like it!

Lori said...

I love this! Amazing. Also love Toms :)

Sara L. said...

This is great!
I wish I could have participated, but I had to work today and a hospital is not really the place that you want or are allowed to walk around without shoes.

RocketQueen said...

i hope those feet are ok!

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