Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sunday Social

Hi friends!  I'm a little late, but I'm linking up with Neely and Amber for Sunday Social.

Sunday Social

Favorite movie of all time
I seriously can't pick just 1...
Garden State
Wicker Park
Favorite movie quote

Best movie to watch for a girl's night in.
Sex and the City 1 and 2!!
Best break-up movie
or any comedy, but I've always loved Step Brothers.
Favorite caleb eye candy
Which movie star's closet would you want to raid?

Happy Sunday lovelies!!


xo kAr said...

love love LOVE despicable me, tangled, & step brothers! 3 of my all time favorite movies as well :)

Heather @ Cookies For Breakfast said...

Oh my goodness, I forgot how much I love Julie & Julia!! I dream of making the duck from that movie someday...

Megan B.B. said...

I can honestly say I've only seen 1 of your favorite movies. Bad me!
However, I looooove the SATC movies (both!) so we're totally there together!
Megan @

Whitney @ EHFAR said...

I haven't seen Wicker Park in forever, and Stepbrothers is so hilarious!

Amanda said...

I would definitely want Carrie's closet too! :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with some many of these girl haha :) great post and love your blog! xo

Christina said...

Love love love Sex and the city!!!

Jessyka said...

I haven't seen Wicker Park, I will have to add that to my list. I forgot about Julie and Julia! Love that movie!

New followe!

Jessyka @ At Home with the Galow's

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